The Institute for Mediation and Conflict Management has been giving a series of lectures on mediation in the centre of Riga. Our hosts from Riga Graduate School of Law has offered us the immense pleasure not only to teach, but to submerge into the vibrant community of what the future holds.
It cannot, but come to mind, that there is shift – shift in attitude, shift in the minds and shift in the hearts of people. The students are all different, all special, all inspired. They come from different locations – be it Belgium, Italy, UK, the Netherlands, Germany, Georgia, even Azarbeijan. They all come from different cultures, different majors. Yet, what they hold together is this intricate capacity to create and hold a space of peace and time for acceptance. This could easily be sensed from the moment one walks into the School till the moment back door is closed. There is this chemistry of people of a different kind, people of a different nature, people who take the time to withhold judgement and replace it with acceptance, who generate peace, instead of triggering conflict, who trust that disagreement is healthy and there is beauty in working ones’ way to agreement.
Mediation’s future is bright. Because it has its students who are ready to try it out, to remain open and stay peaceful. Sometimes the best reward conflict could bring us is this internal work we all need to do in order to grow. And Riga and its students deserve a big hug for being able to create a space that grows peace, serenity and acceptance.
So next time you are in now – pass by Riga Graduate School of Law. It is the place where tolerance and peace are nurtured.